
Veolia Water Technologies: Solutions for a sustainable world


Veolia Water Technologies (VWT), a subsidiary of the Veolia group, is the leading specialist in water treatment. Our teams design and deliver drinking water or wastewater treatment plants as well as smaller standardized water treatment equipment for industrial or municipal customers. VWT also offers a range of services (audit, maintenance, digital,…) to cover all water treatment plant management needs.

Technologies to protect the environment

We create technologies for sustainable development. Our expertise is deliberately focused on preserving the environment: we help you reduce your carbon footprint and optimize your water consumption, in particular through our “zero liquid discharge” (ZLD) offer, which aims to reuse wastewater after treatment within the plant.

We also offer you methanisation solutions to exploit the energy produced by the sludge from your plant’s water treatment. The biogas generated in this way can be consumed within the plant, in a nearby plant or in the municipality’s distribution network. We provided this for Artois Methanisation with our colleagues from Veolia subsidiary Sede. Our objective is to help you preserve water and energy resources.

We are a “global” player: our standardized technologies are designed globally to meet the standards of different countries and our services are designed locally to be as close as possible to your needs and above all to be as responsive as possible according to your needs or emergencies.

Even in extreme emergencies: this is the challenge we faced when Hurricane Irma hit the islands of Saint-Barthélémy and Saint-Martin in 2017, where our teams from Sidem and VWT Spain did everything possible to restore water production and distribution on these islands as quickly as possible

Our expertise at your service

Our global presence and our 160 years of experience are unique in the world and allow us to base our technologies on years of practice and innovation to best serve our customers. We are constantly evolving to meet your needs, whether in after-sales services or product innovation.

Water treatment plants are part of the circular economy. Municipalities and businesses alike wish to preserve the environment as much as possible, with just one plant or several plants located worldwide.

Thanks to an international presence, with 9,000 VWT employees working all over the world, we can help you achieve your objectives of optimizing the management of natural resources for all your plants, wherever they may be. A current example of this is our work with Danone.

We have designed our offers to meet each stage of the water cycle and to meet any demand for water treatment: process water, drinking water, wastewater, desalination, on land, at sea,… Our objective is to help you preserve your environment, wherever your plant is based, while delivering the water quality you need.

We are at your disposal to find the best solutions for:

  • Drinking water and industrial water
  • Wastewater treatment and reuse
  • Energy production and recovery
  • Extraction of raw materials
  • By-product recovery


  • Equipment suppliers
  • Biogas & RNG Project Consulting
  • Biogas System Engineering
  • Biogas System Consulting

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