Product Description

 Microferm® and Macroferm® : more out of manure

The Microferm is designed for agriculturalists who want to process manure from their own company. The manure is digested and converted to electricity and usable heat in a profitable way. Depending on the size of the company, the farm can produce between 60 and 150 kWe green energy. Apart from the production of electricity and heat, the formed biogas can also be upgraded to natural gas quality and be supplied to the natural gas grid.

The Microferm is exceptionally suitable for agricultural companies where daily fresh cattle manure is available.

A 100% manure digester needs large amounts of heat to heat up the manure to 40°C. In cold winters this could lead to a lack of heat. The Microferm and Macroferm have a very low own heat demand due to complete and high quality isolation, which lead to almost zero heat loss.


Small scale manure digestion

With the Microferm, HoSt focuses on small scale manure digestion. The efficiency of the small scale biogas plant for cattle farms is optimal for companies with a manure production between 400 m3 and 14,000 m3 annual (65-150 kWe). For amounts between 14.000 and 25.0000 m3 annual, HoSt provide the Macroferm (200-400 kWe). This type of plant is similar to the Microferm-concept, only four times larger.

It is possible to supply a tailor-made installation for larger quantities of manure, based on the same patented technology.


Highly efficient digester

With the unique and patented Microferm, it is possible to digest with both stability and high efficiency in case of short retention times (8-12 days). This makes it possible to use a compact and profitable digester, even for relatively large manure streams. The Microferm is combined with a gas tight after-storage, out of which gas can be extracted.


Combined heat and power connection / Biogas upgrading

The Microferm consist of a digester and a container in which the control is located, and a Combined Heat and Power connection (CHP) or a biogas upgrading system. The biogas upgrading or the gas engine supplies the heat for the digester.

HoSt has built several Microferm plants for different agricultural companies.

Click here to see information on the website of HoSt.

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