Submit Your Abstract For Progress in Biogas VI Before February 29th 2024

By | 2024-02-06

IBBK would like to inform that they have postponed the deadline for the Call for Papers for their next upcoming international conference “Progress in Biogas VI“. The new deadline will be the 29th of February.

In this sixth installment of this conference, they aim to create a platform that will give you the chance to present your research results, your experiences from practice – or your hottest new innovations!

In line with their motto “SCIENCE meets PRACTICE“, they welcome not only researchers to their conference but also anyone from industry and practice to present their products, innovations, projects or first-hand experiences from the field.

As in the past, they’re expecting about 250 international participants with specific interests and questions about biogas, waste treatment and sustainability.

This conference is your perfect opportunity if you:

  • Research in the field of biogas
  • Are ready to present your technology to a wide audience
  • Operate an innovative or established biogas plant and would love to share your experience
  • From the industry and want to present your solutions
  • Etc.

Which subjects will be touched in the conference?


They look forward to receiving YOUR abstract submissions on the following subjects:

  • Biobased Hydrogen (Bio-CCU and CCS)
  • Bioeconomy (fermentation products management, nutrient recycling, fiber production, biorefinery)
  • Biogas / Biomethane as vehicle fuel
  • Biowaste, fecal sludge and residues
  • Climate protection contribution through anaerobic digestion
  • Flexible biogas production
  • Innovations and Start-ups
  • Power to gas
  • Slurry / solid manure
  • Small Biogas plants (household plants + liquid manure plants)
  • Substrate processing
  • Utilization of biogas (heating, cooking, biomethane, etc.

Information for Abstract Submission

To submit your abstract, simply download their abstract template on their website and fill out the blanks.

To access this site, please follow the below button which will lead you to the event website. There, you follow the orange button that says “Submit Your Abstract Here” which will direct you to the page where you can download the abstract template with the blue button as a .docx-file.

Please follow the structure of the document when filling it out and upload the file to the website using the form at the bottom of the page until February 29th, 2024.

Your abstract and your presentation will be in English language.

The Scientific Committee

To keep the quality of the accepted abstracts to the conference as high as possible, they are once again cooperating with a large group of long-term biogas experts.

These experts work in multiple different fields of the biogas sector and each offers a unique perspective when it comes to evaluating the submitted abstracts.

Get to know them by clicking the blue button below and scrolling to the section titled “Scientific Committee”