14th Biogas and Bioenergy Conference – Call for Speakers

By | 2017-02-22


WHEN: Montréal – May 30th, 2017

WHERE: Hôtel des Gouverneurs Place Dupuis, 1415 St-Hubert, Montréal (Qc) H2L 3Y9

The APCAS Annual Meeting will be held on May 30, 2017, in Montreal. This will be the 14th edition of the Biogas and Bioenergy conference.

Target Audience

This conference is open to all stakeholders in the biogas sector, whether they work in municipalities or industry. It targets professionals involved in residual materials management, biogas mining and development, bioenergy and GHG reduction.


This day will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss the key issues of biogas production and its valorisation.

General Assembly

The APCAS Annual General Meeting will be held at 1:00 pm.


To be released


To be released

Call for Speakers

Please send your conference proposal (title, short abstract and short biography) to Pierre Carabin.

Contact congrès

Click here to see information on the website of the Association for the Prevention of Contamination of Air and Soil.