
For an energy transition through biogas

The Danish Biogas Association was founded on March 28th 2017. It aims to promote the production and the use of biogas in Denmark as an economically sound and sustainable basis for a successful energy transition and as a political priority. More precisely, the goals of the Danish Biogas Association are, among others, to :


  • ensure a comprehensive and efficient interest rate management
  • gather all players interested in the production and use of biogas
  • strengthen internal collaboration in the industry, including networking and competence building
  • support international cooperation and international interest management.


The role and goals of the Danish Biogas Association

Furthermore, the Danish Biogas Association also intends to, among others :


  • ensure framework conditions that make it attractive for investors to invest in production and use of biogas
  • highlight the contribution of biogas in solving societal challenges (eg environment, climate, resource efficiency, recycling and circular economics, veterinary, employment, exports etc.
  • convey the societal perspectives of biogas
  • promote the export of knowledge and technology
  • ensure the necessary research and development efforts
  • ensure competence building in the industry through courses, further training and ERFA groups


One Association for all biogas stakeholders

The Danish Biogas Association members represents a wide range of stakeholders in the biogas sector, including:


  • biogas plant owners
  • advisory engineers and contractors
  • suppliers of biomass, including supplier associations, pretreatment plants, etc.
  • contractors and subcontractors
  • municipalities
  • natural gas sector stakeholders
  • investors
  • agricultural organizations
  • waste sector stakeholders
  • food sector stakeholders
  • research institutions


Visit the Association’s Website for more information or register HERE.






  • Associations and NGOs

Contact Danish Biogas Association

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