
About the Association Technique Énergie Environnement (ATEE)

Initially focused on energy saving and energy efficiency, which remain at the heart of its business and constitute its first pole, ATEE has gradually taken into account the environmental issues related to energy, air pollution and then the greenhouse effect and climate, with the formation of a second pole of activities, just as important as the first and based on the same principle of technical approach.
Today, the first pole groups together activities relating to energy efficiency in companies and local authorities as well as the C2E (Certificats d’Economies d’Energie) and Cogeneration Clubs, while the second is focused on supporting renewable energies through the Biogas, Energy Storage, Power to Gas and Pyrogasification Clubs, as well as a working group on combustion-related emissions.

ATEE is a place for information, consultation and proposals, and is open to all players concerned by these subjects, whether they are legal entities or individuals, private or public. ATEE also has 12 regional delegations, which multiply the action on the ground and allow to bring back the concerns and the feedbacks of experience.

ATEE has 2200 members and publishes a bi-monthly information magazine Energie Plus.


  • Associations and NGOs

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