The smart Low Volume Odorizer (LVO) is a flexible and reliable solution for metered and proportional odorant injection in remote RNG applications. With customizable odorant tank sizes, dual pump redundancy, and additional features like insulation and gas detection, it is an easy-to-install solution for ensuring the safety and reliability of your RNG project.
This smart Low Volume Odorizer (LVO) is available in single or dual pump versions (for redundancy). It allows for metered, proportional to flow liquid odorant injection for remote applications. It can be fitted with various size odorant tanks ranging from 5 to 250 gallons. Its maximum injection pressure is 1440 psig with a flow range capacity of 0-200 mscfh at 8mg/m3 and can be powered by a battery or 24VDC.
In the dual pump version, the insulated building provides easy access to all valves and controls and can be outfitted with heating, gas detection and a carbon filter to control odors during maintenance. Because of its small footprint, it does not require a big infrastructure investment.
Single LVO
Dual Pump LVO
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