Product Description

Biothane UASB from Veolia

The Biothane UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) technology is a proven and reliable process, exclusively owned by Biothane. It is a maintenance-free, corrosion-free and rugged process with a straightforward design.

Veolia Treatment Process

The raw wastewater originating from the industrial process requires pretreatment to prepare it for the anaerobic treatment process. In a conditioning tank the liquid will be mixed with recycled, treated anaerobic effluent by means of a recirculation step and jet mixing. Furthermore, the pH-value and temperature are regulated and nutrients are dosed if necessary to achieve optimal growth conditions for the anaerobic biomass in the Biothane UASB reactor.

The conditioned wastewater is then pumped at a constant, continuous flow to the Biothane UASB reactor. A special influent distribution system ensures that the influent is equally distributed over the entire reactor surface area.

The influent thus passes a dense anaerobic granular biomass bed where the biological conversion process takes place transforming the COD load (Chemical Oxygen Demand) present in the wastewater into biogas.

Patented three phase settlers, internally installed at the top of the reactor, separate the treated water from the produced biogas. The biomass settles back to the reactor bottom while part of the treated effluent is recycled and returned to the conditioning tank for dilution.

Biogas is collected and piped to a biogas treatment step. Under controlled conditions it can be burned in a biogas flare or alternatively it can serve as source of energy for the production site.


Technology Features

  • high organic loading capacity (10-15kg COD/m3/day)
  • compact design
  • highly settleable granular biomass
  • patented double-baffle internal settler
  • energy source from biogas
  • economical operation
  • proven reliability


Industries served

  • Food and beverage
  • Pulp and paper
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical


Examples of Projects


Veolia - Biothane UASB - EGSB Installation with biobed advanced settler in glass-lined and bolted steel tanks

Veolia - Biothane UASB - Biobed EGSB reactors installed at a brewery



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See the Veolia Website to know more about the Biothane!




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