BiogasWorld Welcomes the Québec’s 2030 Energy Policy

By | 2017-07-04

Québec’s 2030 Energy Policy: First Action Plan Unveiling 

2017 will be a turning point in the energy industry in Québec, particularly in biogas projects and natural gas network. The Québec government’s determination, communicated in its 2030 Energy Policy, is clear: « Make Québec by the year 2030 a North American leader in the realms of renewable energy and energy efficiency and thus build a new, strong, low-carbon economy. »

In a press release published this week, Québec’s Minister of energy and natural resources responsible for the Northern Plan, Pierre Arcand, unveiled the 2030 Energy Policy First Action Plan. It includes 42 measures representing investments of $1,5G to help achieve the Québec energy transition. By 2030, the Québec government has adopted the following ambitious targets:

  1. ENHANCE energy efficiency by 15%
  2. REDUCE by 40% the amount of petroleum products consumed
  3. ELIMINATE the use of thermal coal
  4. INCREASE by 25% overall renewable energy output
  5. INCREASE by 50% bioenergy production

Four strategy thrusts will guide Québec’s energy transition:

  1. Ensure integrated governance of the energy transition
  2. Promote the transition to a low-carbon economy
  3. Offer consumers a renewed, diversified energy supply
  4. Define a new approach to fossil energies

Québec Biogas Industry Investments

In 2016, the biogas industry in Québec was expecting statements from Québec government regarding the type of support provided and the percentage of biomethane in Québec’s gas grid that will eventually be required.

The Québec government has mentioned this week, at the unveiling of its energy policy first action plan, that it will encourage the renewable natural gas production and distribution by investing in organic matter biomethanization projects and allowing gas producers, including Gaz Métro and Gazifère, to have up to 5% of renewable natural gas in its distribution network for Québec customers.

Thus, the biomethane would be used as a source of economic development and competitiveness of Québec companies, in order to propel its industry inside and outside the province.

A Word From Minister

« Notre gouvernement a pris l’engagement d’accompagner tous les types de consommateurs dans cette transition énergétique afin de créer de la richesse et de réduire les émissions de GES. Ce premier plan d’action très ambitieux démontre que nous progressons de manière réaliste tout en nous permettant de bien mesurer les résultats des cibles que nous nous sommes fixées. Il est le fruit d’un travail concerté entre tous les acteurs concernés et donne le ton pour opérer la transition énergétique nécessaire du Québec. »

Pierre Arcand, Québec’s Minister of energy and natural resources responsible for the Northern Plan




  • Read The 2030 Energy Policy – Energy in Québec: A Source of Growth
  • Read The 2030 Energy Policy – Highlights