CRIQ provides the broadest range of specialized tests and trials available in Québec, making state-of-the-art equipment available to you in its laboratories. In addition , CRIQ is able to provide you with personalized support, customized training, a choice of flexible scheduling and timeliness.
CRIQ carries out R & D projects in almost all sectors of economic activity. Our experts deliver projects that match your ambitions, always with an eye to profitability and technology development. R&D projects that might be helpful to other Québec businesses may be eligible for CRIQ’s research and innovation program (PRI).
CRIQ has been an expert in industrial productivity and competitiveness for 45 years now and provides the most extensive range of innovation services available in Québec. The company possesses a vast array of expertise in several economic sectors in Québec and carries out more than 1,600 profitable projects annually.
Whether you are a small or large business or an organisation from the public sector, CRIQ’s team will help you find innovative solutions to:
CRIQ has been working in eco-efficiency for over 15 years, coming up with innovative and sustainable solutions for businesses looking to reduce the environmental impact of their industrial activities. CRIQ is known for its environmental biotechnology expertise and can provide information on treating solid, liquid, and gaseous waste. CRIQ experts will help you design products to meet sustainable development standards.
CRIQ strives to meet the highest quality standards as it goes about its mission. Its products and services are backed by qualified, knowledgeable staff who are renowned for their skills and professionalism.
CRIQ uses a quality management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 international standard. Client projects strictly adhere to the best practices set out by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Additionally, all export product compliance tests are performed in ISO/CEI 17025: 2005–accredited labs.
We work only with suppliers and partners who are committed to providing products and services of the highest quality—and who have green procurement practices. Last but not least, it goes without saying that we go about our work ethically and professionally: all client information is confidential, a practice that is taken seriously and strictly enforced.
CRIQ is active in many economic sector in Quebec, such as energy and agri-food sectors.
Québec is the world’s fourth largest hydroelectricity producer. Although the International Energy Agency forecasts that oil will still be the world’s leading primary energy source in in 2035, alternative energy sources are currently being developed. The energy industry is facing certain challenges, primarily in matters of energy efficiency, transportation optimization, and biofuel and bioenergy development.
Automation evaluations, sustainable productivity analysis, and specialized tests are a among the services that CRIQ provides to the energy industry.
CRIQ provides cost-effective services to the agri-food industry. These include automation, sustainable productivity analysis, and active ingredient extraction from plant-based biomass. In this industry, one of CRIQ’s goal is to support the Biomethanation of animal waste and to optimize its process.